Our Methodology
In line with our mission, we aim to be a trusted partner of our client, delivering real business results and strategic value to them. We see our relationships with our clients as long-term mutually beneficial partnerships, not short term customer service or sales based relationships.
Project implementation at Bon-Arch involves a team-based approach where all the professional disciplines represented are coopted from the project onset to ensure that all aspects are considered at every stage. The Client is appraised and involved appropriately to ensure feedback from the user at every stage. We integrate our capabilities with those of our clients to drive business process effectiveness with an objective to increase efficiency and improve business outcomes.
The project implementation process at Bon-Arch covers the following 5 broad stages from inception to completion:-
- Inception & Outline Proposal: Feasibility study & planning (site survey & data collection, financial planning, market research, brief development).
- Design Development ( Scheme design)
- Detail Design documentation & tendering
- Construction/ Implementation of project
- Post construction period & contracts closure
Quality Assurance: We have adopted the CISfb system for coding of our technical information which aligns our production processes and outputs with the internationally recognized standard.